Manuals, Models, and Tools

Care Group Manuals 

Care Group Models

This section lists the various adaptations of the Care Group Approach.  


Barrier Analysis

Barrier analysis is a rapid assessment tool used in behavior change projects. The purpose of barrier analysis is to identify behavioral determinants, so that more effective behavior change, communication messages, strategies, and supporting activities can be developed.

Job Aid for Care Group Skills Sessions

This is an adaptable template for facilitating a care group meeting to review and practice key soft skills and technical competencies. The template includes welcome exercises, soft skills and technical competency exercises, illustrative discussion prompts, and facilitation tips. It was designed to be used by care group leaders. (Developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition. December 2023)

Look-and-Learn for Care Group Leaders

During a look-and-learn, a hosting care group leader and promoter invite visiting care group leaders to observe a care group session. After the meeting, the care group leaders and promoter debrief to share recommendations and reflections on the session. The guide was designed to be used by a hosting care group leader and/or a promoter. (Developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition. December 2023)

Community Leader’s Aid for Supporting Care Group Quality 

This document includes guidance for facilitating a Village Development Committee forum focused on care groups, and guidance and an adaptable tool for Village Leaders to monitor and support care group quality. The aim of the prototype is to foster ownership and support for care groups among village leaders, to increase linkages between care groups and community governance structures and leaders, and to support community leaders in becoming accountability actors for care groups. The guide was designed for use by village leaders and care group promoters, and the adaptable monitoring tool was designed to be used by village leaders. (Developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition. December 2023)

Simple Job Aid for Reflection Session

Provides an adaptable template for facilitating a care group meeting to reflect on behaviors tried or discussed in the previous module or meeting. The template includes welcome exercises, illustrative discussion prompts, and facilitation tips. It was designed to be used by lead mothers. (Developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition. January 2024)

Drama Development Guide 

Provides two adaptable templates for facilitating the development and optional performance of an original drama based on care group member experiences and priorities. The guide was designed to be used by lead mothers. (Developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition. January 2024)

Commitment Card

includes guidance for using a commitment card in care group meetings and home visits, an adaptable template for creating a commitment card, and an illustrative commitment card and lead mother monitoring form developed around the Amalima Loko program. The aim of the prototype is to support family engagement and support for recommended behaviors. The process involves inviting a member of a caregiver’s household to serve as their commitment partner. The guide was designed for use by lead mothers and the illustrative card was designed to be used by caregivers. (Developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition. January 2024)