

This curricula is also available in English. See below.


FH Care Group Curricula for Ethiopia

The following care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for Ethiopia care groups  of 10-12 women.  The materials are designed to teach household- level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death.   The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan.  Note:  All flip charts contain culturally appropriate illustrations for the specific country.  There are some variations in images from the English to Amharic documents as the illustrator updated images once the translation was completed. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge FH, the authors, and USAID as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.

This curricula is also available in English. See below.


PROSHARE Care Group Modules

In Bangladesh, a large percentage of households live in poverty, food insecurity at the national level is extremely high and exacerbated by high food commodity prices, and poor maternal health and low child nutrition are persistent problems. The goal of ACDI/VOCA and PCI’s 2011-2015 USAID funded Title II program Program For Strengthening Household Access to Resources (PROSHAR) was to reduce food insecurity among vulnerable populations. PROSHAR activities revolved around three key strategic objectives: income and access to food of poor and ultra-poor households improved (SO1); health of pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 (SO2); and improved institutions and households prepared to respond effectively to shocks (SO3).

The Trio model - composed of Care Groups and complementary father and in-law groups - led to remarkable behavior change results across the program in health and nutrition outcomes and care seeking behaviors. By endline, outcomes included significant increases in the proportion of mothers taking vitamin A and folic acid during pregnancy and mothers that reported attending four or more antenatal care visits. 

This curricula is also available in English. See below.


Curamericas Global Care Group Curricula for Guatemala

These materials were designed by  Curamericas Global to promote household-level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death. See the Spanish section below for more languages.

FH Nurturing Care Group Psychological Intervention Health Promoter Lesson Plans (WHO PM+)

The Problem Management Plus (PM+) intervention, derived from cognitive behavioral therapy, is a low-intensity approach for adults facing distress in communities with adversity. It addresses common mental health issues using strategies like stress management and social support enhancement. PM+ is transdiagnostic, allowing non-professional mental health workers to deliver it under supervision. While effective, it's best used alongside other services. The Nurturing Care Group modification of PM+ equips caregivers with tools for managing practical and emotional issues, promoting better mental health and well-being preventively. 

This curricula is also available in Spanish. See below. Learn more about this curricula from our February 2024 webinar here

FH Care Group Curricula for Ethiopia

The following care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for Ethiopia care groups  of 10-12 women.  The materials are designed to teach household- level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death.   The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan.  Note:  All flip charts contain culturally appropriate illustrations for the specific country.  There are some variations in images from the English to Amharic documents as the illustrator updated images once the translation was completed. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge FH, the authors, and USAID as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.

FH uses a pictorial lesson format to help low-literate volunteers teach adult learners.  Watch this INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION to learn more.

This curricula is also available in Amharic. See above.

FH Care Group Curricula for Mozambique

The following care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for Mozambique care groups  of 10-12 women.  The materials are designed to teach household- level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death.   Each module contains a A3 flip chart with a corresponding A4 lesson plan.  The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan.    Note:  All flip charts contain culturally appropriate illustrations for Mozambique. This curricula is also available in Portuguese. See below. This module was used in FH’s programs in Uganda. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge FH, the authors, and USAID as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.

FH Care Group Curricula for South Sudan

The following care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for South Sudan care groups  of 10-12 women.  The materials are designed to teach household- level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death.   Each module contains a A3 flip chart with a corresponding A4 lesson plan.  The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan.

Family Planning 

The following care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for Uganda care groups  of 10-12 women.  Each module contains a A3 flip chart with a corresponding A4 lesson plan.  The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan. Family Planning Module:  This module includes the following topics: benefits of child spacing, natural family planning methods [2 day method, CycleBeads, Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)], discussion of options provided at the health facilities and one lesson about discussing options with your partner.   This module was used in FH’s programs in Uganda. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge FH, the authors, as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.

Nurturing Care Group

In 2018, the Nurturing Care Framework was released by UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO, ECDAN and the PMNCH.  This framework focuses on and promotes integration of interventions in health, nutrition, WaSH, responsive caregiving, early learning, security and safety.  There has been a growing body of evidence (in part from the Clean, Fed, and Nurtured movement) showing that integration of multisectoral activities – such as combining nutrition supplementation with early child stimulation – can produce better outcomes for complex outcomes (e.g., stunting) than single sector activities alone.  In World Vision, we believe that the CG approach can be used as a platform to promote behaviours in each of these domains, and created a training manual for a highly-integrated version of the approach, the Nurturing Care Groups project model.  A Child Protection CG module has been developed that promotes child protection behaviours to end violence against children, and we plan to expand that module and create additional standard modules (in the public domain) for each of our five sectors based on the good work that has already been done by multiple INGOs. WV is testing the project model this year in Ghana, focusing first on Child Protection and WaSH behaviours.

Reading and Responding to Your Baby 

Please note that these modules were developed based on the best technical guidance during the time that they were published. As the modules must be adapted based on location, language, and culture, they also need to be reviewed for technical content and updated as appropriate. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge USAID, the TOPS Program, Food for the Hungry and The Carolina Global Breast Feeding Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the authors, and appropriate USAID agency as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.

Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Rural Niger

Major gender inequalities exist in Niger; physical violence against women is ubiquitous. Training on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) was integrated into a pre-existing care group programme in rural Niger providing cascading training on infant and young child feeding and maternal and child health to 5,000 women and men. Statistically significant improvements were observed in attitudes towards physical violence, forced sexual intercourse and roles of wives in financial decision-making. Overall, pilot results demonstrate that SGBV messaging can be successfully integrated into Care Group (CG) interventions. Note that this curricula was presented as part of the Care Group Interest Group Webinar Series. 


Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Rural Niger

Major gender inequalities exist in Niger; physical violence against women is ubiquitous. Training on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) was integrated into a pre-existing care group programme in rural Niger providing cascading training on infant and young child feeding and maternal and child health to 5,000 women and men. Statistically significant improvements were observed in attitudes towards physical violence, forced sexual intercourse and roles of wives in financial decision-making. Overall, pilot results demonstrate that SGBV messaging can be successfully integrated into Care Group (CG) interventions. Note that this curricula was presented as part of the Care Group Interest Group Webinar Series. 


Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission and Maternal and Child Care

The following module was developed by the CDC, AIDSTAR and others; and was adapted by Food for the Hungry.  

These care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for care groups  of 10-12 women.  The materials are designed to teach household- level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death.   Each module contains a A3 flip chart with a corresponding A4 lesson plan.  The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan.    Note:  All flip charts contain culturally appropriate illustrations for the specific country. Beginning with module 4, pictures are only available in the translated Kirundi documents.  English flip charts only include the text or “key messages”. Facilitation Cues:  How do illiterate mothers train others in a participatory manner?  The five modules are broken down by the stages of pregnancy and child development.   Each module covers the essential hygiene, sanitation and nutritional actions  for pregnant mothers and children from infancy through 24 months of age.   A summary of all key messages was created for one-on-one counseling.  See the Picture Card above.


FH Care Group Curricula 

The following care group modules were developed by Food for the Hungry for Mozambique care groups  of 10-12 women.  The materials are designed to teach household- level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death.   Each module contains a A3 flip chart with a corresponding A4 lesson plan.  The materials are used to teach mothers in small groups once every two weeks for up to two years.   Games, activities and discussions noted in the flip chart are described in detail in the corresponding lesson plan.    Note:  All flip charts contain culturally appropriate illustrations for Mozambique. This curricula is also available in Portuguese. See below. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge FH, the authors, and appropriate USAID agency as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.

Soil Conservation Extension Support Material 

This module covers simple practices farmers can follow to increase productivity.  The modules begins with soil structure and moves on to the following improved practices: planting on a contour; applying appropriate planting density; addition of hedgerows, cover crops and mulch for improved productivity, composting and inter cropping


Buenas Prácticas Manual del Técnico

El presente documento es un manual del Técnico de Salud de FH/Bolivia. Este material, además, se constituye en una guía de uso del rotafolio “Buenas prácticas saludables” que manejan las Madres Líderes, durante sus visitas a las mamás que se les ha asignado.

Curamericas Global Care Group Curricula

These materials were designed by  Curamericas Global to promote household-level behaviors to prevent maternal and child malnutrition and death

FH's: Aprendiendo a enfrentar la adversidad (WHO PM+)

FH's Cuidados Esenciales Para La Madre y el Recién Nacido

Reading and Responding to Your Baby 

Please note that these modules were developed based on the best technical guidance during the time that they were published. As the modules must be adapted based on location, language, and culture, they also need to be reviewed for technical content and updated as appropriate. If using these materials in your program, please acknowledge USAID, the TOPS Program, Food for the Hungry and The Carolina Global Breast Feeding Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the authors, and appropriate USAID agency as noted in the acknowledgments of each document.