Saving Children's Lives through Care Groups

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What's New!
Data shows Care Groups effective for integrating community-based nutrition and immunization interventions.
As the world comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we face large gaps in vaccination coverage and increases in malnutrition around the world. As we look for ways to confront this new situation, Tom Davis looked back at data from an earlier study of the effectiveness of Care Groups. He found that Care Groups interventions tended to consistently out-perform other SBC approaches for improving vaccination coverage as well as for reducing malnutrition. We hope that you will find this write-up helpful particularly as you integrate nutrition and immunization interventions.
Upcoming Events!
Please see the Events page for past events including webinars and webinar recordings.
In collaboration with the CORE Group, Food for the Hungry, and World Relief created this site to share information, presentations, tools, curricula, and results reports regarding Care Group programs. A Care Group is a group of 10-15 volunteer, community-based health educators who regularly meet together with NGO project staff for training and supervision. For more about Care Groups, see the About Us tab.